Migrating from LastPass to Bitwarden
Due to the compromise in LastPass, you will need to change your LastPass “master password” for logging in, if you have not already done so in the past few months (Nov ’22) please do so now. This will be a one-time thing, not requiring you to remember long term.
Next, once you receive the invitation to setup your Bitwarden account, click your invite link, select Create Account (BE SURE TO USE A DIFFERENT PASSWORD NOT USED FOR LAST PASS) and once your account is setup, log in. You may need to click the invite link again:
it will also request DUO authentication. Our Bitwarden SSO identifier is: RowanCountyNC
Going back to LastPass, you are now ready to export all your passwords. Here is a full generic explanation:
For us, you should be able to go into Advanced Options below and then select the Export option and choose .csv file.
FOR IT DEPT USERS ONLY: Other depts should not need to do this step. Open the .csv file in Excel and sort / delete the shared Rowan County passwords since they are already in Bitwarden. This way you only save your unique passwords. Be sure to save your changes as .csv and not default over to Excel.
Now go browse to Bitwarden and import this .csv file under Tools \ Import Data \ 1) Select LastPass.csv. Screen shot below:
** Be sure to delete the exported .csv file from wherever you saved it because it is a straight text dump of all your passwords.
In addition, it would be a good idea to start the process of changing other passwords that you had saved in LastPass that are now kept in Bitwarden.
Vault Timeout Settings:
Located on the Bitwarden website, go to the top right of your profile and click “Account Settings” then find “Preferences” to customize.
For auto populating your websites logins:
There is a Chrome extension for BW that you can download, install, and enable. It's a little tricky and they even say its experimental in how it auto populates so hopefully future releases only make this process more seamless.
Once the browser extension is enabled, right click on your Bitwarden icon extension in the top right so the menu below appears where you can navigate to Unlock your vault and login. It may have already asked you this in which case you won’t need to do.
Next click back on the Bitwarden icon and go to the settings ‘gear’ at the bottom right, scroll down to 'Options' then scroll to the bottom of that window and enable 'Auto Fill on Page Load' (see next screen shot)
Even after logging into the Bitwarden extension I'm noticing some websites still require a little prodding by way of this:
Command + Shift + L for the Mac
Ctrl + Shift + L for Windows
And if all else fails can right click to select what to Auto-fill: